Farmers Dread Spotted Frog Lawsuit

Oregon Spotted Frog Rana Pretiosa


The Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) will get it’s day in a Eugene federal District Court. This will follow, by about two years, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s listing of the amphibian as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act and the recent filing of the lawsuits by WaterWatch of Oregon and the Center for Biological Diversity located in Arizona.

At stake is water usage in the Upper Deschutes River basin. 

Record Level Drought

Detroit Reservoir Draught Low Water Leve

Detroit Reservoir in Drought


Even as drought conditions have improved in many states, Oregon’s drought continues and now ranks as the worst in the entire United States. What’s worse, the forecast leading into next year should be cause for concern among Oregon farmers.